Homeless Education Assistance Act

Homeless Services!
Homeless Services!

One of the main goals of the Shenango Area School District’s Homelessness Program is to help each homeless student have a school life that is as regular as possible during the period of homelessness.

On July 22,1987 the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act became public law. This was the first comprehensive federal law dealing with the problems of homelessness in America. Recently included in the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act, it is now called the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001.

As a first step in 1988, the Pennsylvania Department of Education established the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program. This program has been responsible for assessing Pennsylvania’s homeless children population, developing the appropriate responses and establishing McKinney-Vento Homeless sites.

Some of the main objectives of the Shenango Area School District is to increase awareness about the needs of homeless children, reveal and overcome possible educational barriers, explain current legislation and policies, and provide assistance and support to families.

The District Homeless Liaison can support and help students in homeless situations in many ways.  Shenango’s Homeless Liaison is Dr. James Janacone, Special Services Director.  Click here for contact information.

The Liaison may assist families with the following:

  1. Make sure students are enrolled in school immediately, even if they do not have the papers they would normally need.
  2. Help families and youth get immunizations, immunization records or other medical records, if a student needs them.
  3. Tell parents and youth about all transportation services and help set up transportation.
  4. Make sure students get all the school services they need.
  5. Tell parents and guardians about all the programs and services the school has for their children.

Click here for parent information.

Click here for student information.

Attached here is the Homeless BEC.

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