Shenango 1 to 1 Initiative

Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year Shenango Area School District began a 1 to 1 program. The purpose of this program is to provide students with unparalleled access to technology to assist in their education. The program will also make a transition easier should students be required to learn remotely again due to COVID-19 restrictions. The program provides a chromebook to every Shenango student grades K-12.

Students are required to use a district issued device and are not permitted to use a personal device. This is due to the fact that several Chrome policies and extensions are administratively installed on student chromebooks and can only be enforced on a district owned device.

Insurance is available to cover any damages to student devices. For more information on insurance and costs associated with non-insured device repairs click here.

Students are required to follow all guidelines detailed in the acceptable use policy.  Chromebook specific guidelines are below:

  • School District chromebooks will be provided to students in grades kindergarten through twelve. Students are responsible for the general care of the chromebook they have been issued by the school.
  • Students leaving the district must return the chromebook and charger to the district.  Student, parents, or guardians will be charged the cost of lost chargers.
  • Damages to the chromebook will be charged to the student, parents, or guardians.  Student, parents, or guardians will be charged the cost of repair or the full cost of replacement.
  • Lost chromebooks are the responsibility of the student. If a chromebook is lost, the student will be charged the replacement cost.
  • Device insurance is available to provide a low-cost solution in the event of an accident or loss/theft.
  • It is recommended that each student bring their own headphones or earbuds.
  • A protective case is provided by the district. The chromebook is to be kept in this case at all times and should not be removed.
  • Shenango Area School District utilizes GoGuardian for filtering and classroom management.  For this reason, students may only log in with their Shenango account and GoGuardian cannot be disabled.  Because it is linked to their school Google account, GoGuardian extensions will self-install on any chrome browser the student logs into. It is recommended they create and use a non-school account on personal devices unless using it for schoolwork.
  • Students may decorate their cases with stickers that can be easily removed, but may not add stickers, decals, etc. or add any markings on their Chromebooks.
  • At the end of each school year, the chromebook is to be returned to the Shenango Area School District in good working condition (without cracked screens, with working hinges, with working keyboard, etc) and cosmetically correct (free of intentional scratches, with all screw covers, etc). If the chromebook is damaged, the student will be charged the cost of repair or the full cost of replacement

The video below highlights most of the in-school rules that students need to be aware of.  The video was created by members of the Shenango Technology Assistance Team (STAT)

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